Remember this post?

and this chart that I put up for a short while


Well they were made a little over a year ago (more like 14 months to be a little more specfic)

Unfortunately, my exercise campaign only lasted a couple of months until my “unretirement” in the Beer Mile last Labor Day.

The good news was that my weight didn’t balloon back up. I pretty much fluctuated around 220-225.

At the end of last spring, I decided to try to drop some more weight.. Things get pretty quiet around State College following spring graduation (mid May) up until the kids come back for the second summer session (end of June), so around Memorial Day I decided to go into one of my “no drinking” phases for the month of June. I also started watching what I ate a little more closely (nothing too health nut serious, mostly cutting back on the amount of red meat, eating a lot more chicken and sometimes fish).

I was very please with the results. By the end of June, without too much sacrifice my weight got down to 215. Rather than end my “fast” as originally planned, I started extrapolating and figured that I could quite possibly break 200 by Labor Day.

Since then, I’ve modified the plan a little, i,e, the complete teetotaling has gone by the wayside. As often as not, I’ll have a beer or two after my men’s league golf on Wednesday and I will drink during “special occasions”, maybe every second or third weekend.

While there were a couple of moment where I wonder if I could make it, I am proud to announce that my scale read 199.5 when I stepped on it this morning. Mission accomplished. I can now go out and celebrate for the Holiday Weekend and first football game of the season (and probably recoil in horror when I get on the scale Tuesday morning but that’s a problem for another day).

I honestly don’t remember that last time that I was under 200. Has to be about 15 years ago. I know when I was training for my marathon (sometime around 1987) I was about 188 but I started putting the weight on after it.

I’m not sure how much longer, if at all, I’ll try to keep losing weight but I am at least going to try to stay under 200.

Now I have to go back and see if I can reclaim at least some of my UncleLar party image that I lost over weight loss campaign. 🙂

5 Replies to “Remember this post?”

  1. Wow Larry, that’s fabulous! Do you ever get blood work done? I’m curious how many in the family have high cholesterol or any other ailments that might be considered hereditary? Steve F. and I do and are on medication. I wonder if any results for you might be different now that you’re under 200 lbs? Congrats again!!

  2. I’ve been cheating on getting the blood test until I get the weight down and have exercised some. Every time I’ve had it done in the past, it’s been on the high side – even when I wasn’t in such bad shape.

    Personally, I’m not a believer in worrying too much about the cholesterol levels. Yes, there’s a correlation between raised cholesterol levels and stroke/heart attacks but there’s a much greater correlation between family history and strokes/heart attacks. All in all, our family (Dad not withstanding – the rheumatic fever he had as a kid tosses him out of the equation) does not have a history that would concern me.

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