New Cousins

Well, newly met cousins. Lisman’s cousin Ruth (Lis’ father’s brother’s daughter) and her husband Keith have adopted 2 kids, Alex and Andrea. Now 9 and 6 1/2, they were just months old when adopted. We’d never met the kids, they live in Idaho. But they spent a few days with us this week during a 2 week East Coast vacation.

The kids hit it off famously. The first day here they all got to play, along with a bunch of neighborhood kids, in the backyard. I think that cemented the friendships. By the time I got home that night they were best buddies and definitely family. Hangin’ in PJs helps too, I guess.

Pretty cool. From the mouths of babes and all that, y’know? Quite heartening.

My Friday- 10 days ago

So we’re supposed to post random things on here, right? With that notion, I thought I’d share how I spent my Friday before last. My friend Dennis and I headed to the beach with our dogs; well, with his dog and my “adopted” dog Floyd. Dennis recently started his own company called Paw IMprints, where he takes pictures of people with their dogs in their natural routines and surroundings (no poses here). When I take care of Floyd, I often bring him to the beach, thus this is where we headed. Here are a few of my favorite shots. I have 33 really great ones to choose from (out of 6 rolls). It was a great New England kind of day (foggy, light drizzle) at the beach!

Oh, there is a great old graveyard (circa 1600) that is located on the way to the beach. It’s a huge piece of property set directly on Little Harbor. People bring their dogs there all of the time to run around and also to jump the head stones… it’s wierd, I know.

Me and the World Series Trophy

The White Sox World Series Trophy Tour was at work today. So I waited in line for about 10 – 15 minutes and they snapped a polaroid.

Here I am! Pretty cool except they move you out of there in about 5 seconds to get the next person in.

What a Great Night!!!

As you all may know I just recently turned the big two one (A.K.A DRUNK) haha just kidding dad! To celebrate this wonderful occasion my wonderful cousin Shannon came out to celebrate with me and a couple of my friends down at some of the ISU bars. She felt right at home. Basically I’m just posting this to say that not only do I wish all of you could have joined us but also to thank Shannon soooo very much for driving down to celebrate a birthday I’ll never be able to remember.

The Expectant Couple

Future pictures will be monthly updates of Dawn’s growing tummy. Her due date is Oct. 5th (we’re hoping she’ll hold out until Steve’s birthday of Oct. 8th)!

Please refer to us as Grandpa & Grand-mar (and of course Great UncleLar)!

Reunion in August?

Seems Brian’s wedding will be another “near reunion”. But not quite.

So, I want to ask, “Can we re-unite ‘down-the-shore’ this summer?” We go to Brigantine, NJ every year, the week preceding Labor Day. This year that would be Aug 26 – Sept 2 (Sat. to Sat.).

I hope everyone remembers Brigantine. Larry may never have gone, but the rest of us, I think, did. There are 3 points I want to make that differentiate it a bit from most shore-towns:

• It is very family oriented, not a teen-scene (tho if you wander the beach “uptown”, I think the teens in the family could find some fun).

• It is one town north of Atlantic City, where one can find a variety of adult entertainment. Including (finally) some good restaurants.

• There is excellent golf nearby.

If we want to do this, we should be prepared to commit to house-rentals soon. I’ll do the legwork if it seems do-able.

FWIW, I may bring the family to Chi for Xmas-time ’06. After that, it may be some time before I’ll plan another trip. If we can’t reunite this summer, maybe Xmas-time could work.