Where Do Babies Come From?

Lex asked me a question the other day. He did not ask “Where do babies come from?”. I’m prepared for that question. No, he asked me, “Where do the people that have babies come from?”.

I was a little thrown, unsure of just what he was asking. I answered, “Well, we were all babies once.” He said, “I know, but where did the people that had THOSE babies come from?”.

Turns out the little guy was pondering the chicken or the egg. Or god. Or Darwin.

My answer was that nobody really knows… scientists know some stuff, creationists believe some stuff, but nobody knows for sure and everybody really wants to know.

He said that answer was good enough.

More Thanksgiving

Not much more, really. Basically just some photos. Not enough time to compose an eloquent essay of our trip. We had a really great time. The kids did too. They seem to appreciate seeing family. (Maybe Shannon or Marilyn will tell about Lex’s spontaneous hug of Shannon.)

And we loved checking out Shan’s piece of America. Nice choice, Shan.

BTW, Sorry for the long loadtime on this post. The blog isn’t working correctly (making corrupt resized images) and I had to tweak the html manually to get these posted. If I have time I’ll fix it.

Fall Family Sportsnet Presents


We had our first neighborhood T-Ball game Friday night. 20 kids (too many), 1 hr of chaos, 1 minor injury (Lex took a linedrive off the side of his head, finished the game, tho).

We all agree, wiffle-ball from now on.

Make Your Daughter Work Day

Thursday was “Take Your Daughters/Sons to Work Day”. Charlotte went to work with me and I put her to work. We had to edit 3 Yankees promos. I taught Charlotte how it’s done while I cut the first two. Then it was her turn. She cut the 3rd spot. You can see it here.

She truly did most of the work. Well, most of the work that needed to be done. If you watch the spot you’ll see it’s what we call a donut, you basically just need to fill the hole in the middle. And she did that. She took direction from the producer (Joe Pepitone, btw… nephew), and chose the best part of each shot (with a small bit of reassurance from me).

We both had a great day, and not just because she was at work with me…. much more, really. Just walking to work together was special, quality-time. Making mundane chit-chat, talking about people that are homeless, eating lunch, laughing with adult co-workers, shopping leisurely for a b-day present for Lex, listening to music on the train home. It was great.