L’anniversaire de Charlotte

Charlotte’s seven. So we went out to dinner with her best friend, Emily. All had steak. All went to the powder rooms by themselves (Lex, too).

Came home and opened presents. For some reason, 7 seems very poignant to me. Somehow more significant than most of the others, so far. I guess ‘cuz I can truly remember being seven. And because Charlotte’s clearly her own person now.

I suspect this may be the last teddy bear she wants; tho it’s not just a teddy bear, it’s a “glow-in-the-dark Doodle-Bear”.

What a Great Night!!!

As you all may know I just recently turned the big two one (A.K.A DRUNK) haha just kidding dad! To celebrate this wonderful occasion my wonderful cousin Shannon came out to celebrate with me and a couple of my friends down at some of the ISU bars. She felt right at home. Basically I’m just posting this to say that not only do I wish all of you could have joined us but also to thank Shannon soooo very much for driving down to celebrate a birthday I’ll never be able to remember.